7:00 am
8:00 am
Welcome and Introduction to Day II Morning Plenary Session

President and Chief Executive Officer, America’s Physician Groups, Los Angeles, CA (Co-Chair)
Mr. Crane has served as corporate counsel for several major integrated health systems. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Coalition on Health Care. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of America’s Physician Groups, a magazine that reports on business trends, legislation, and industry initiatives impacting coordinated care.

President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA (Co-Chair)
Previously Dr. Rideout served as Senior Medical Advisor for Covered California and was SVP, Chief Medical Officer for The TriZetto Group. Dr. Rideout also served as the global leader of the healthcare division for Cisco He also served as a member of the American Health Information Community’s Chronic Care Workgroup for the US Department of Health and Human Services under the direct leadership of Secretary Michael Leavitt.
8:15 am
The Challenges of Managing Risk and Clinical Quality

Founder, Robert and Lisa Margolis Family Foundation, Duke-Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy; Former Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer, HealthCare Partners, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Margolis has been on the leading edge of the managed care industry for more than 35 years. He is a much sought-after spokesperson because of his vast experience in integrated delivery systems and physician practice management.
8:45 am
Update on Findings of the California Regional Health Care Cost & Quality Atlas, A Collaboration of the Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) and the California Health and Human Services (CHHS) Agency

President and Chief Executive Officer, America’s Physician Groups, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Crane has served as corporate counsel for several major integrated health systems. He serves on the Board of Directors of the National Coalition on Health Care. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of America’s Physician Groups, a magazine that reports on business trends, legislation, and industry initiatives impacting coordinated care.

Vice President, Analytics and Performance Information; Lead, Transition of the California Pay for Performance (P4P) Program to Value-Based Pay for Performance, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA

President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA (Moderator)
Previously Dr. Rideout served as Senior Medical Advisor for Covered California and was SVP, Chief Medical Officer for The TriZetto Group. Dr. Rideout also served as the global leader of the healthcare division for Cisco He also served as a member of the American Health Information Community’s Chronic Care Workgroup for the US Department of Health and Human Services under the direct leadership of Secretary Michael Leavitt.
10:00 am
Keynote Address

Director, Robert J. Margolis Center for Health Policy; Professor of Business, Medicine and Health Policy, Duke University; Former CMS Administrator; Former FDA Commissioner, Washington, DC
10:30 am
11:00 am
The Role of Health Plans in Value-Based Care

Executive Vice President, Health Plan Operations, Kaiser Permanente; Former Vice Chairman Board of Directors, CHRISTUS Health; Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Health Net; Former Chief Executive Officer, CareAmerica Health Plans, San Francisco, CA
Before joining Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Southam was chief executive officer of two California-based health plans, Health Net and CareAmerica. In addition to his leadership responsibilities with Kaiser Permanente, Dr. Southam serves as chairman of the CHRISTUS Health Board of Directors. He is a member of the board of the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Fielding School of Public Health at UCLA.
11:30 am
Case Studies in Health Care Delivery Innovations from the Stanford Clinical Excellence Research Center
Late Life Case Study

Fellow Clinical Excellence Research Center, Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Myra Altman grew up in South Africa and moved back to the US to attend college at Dartmouth, where she discovered a love for psychology. She went on to complete a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis and a clinical internship at VA Palo Alto Health Care System. Myra’s research and clinical work have focused primarily on health behavior change, and she is particularly interested in applying her background in psychology to innovate and implement systems changes that improve population health and wellbeing. Myra loves puns, hiking, traveling, and cooking, and particularly loves picking fruit and digging for clams!

Fellow Clinical Excellence Research Center, Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Former Hospice Medical Director, Rocky Mountain Care Foundation, Former Hospitalist, Intermountain Healthcare, Palo Alto, CA

Fellow Clinical Excellence Research Center, Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Her interest in health policy led her to spend a summer volunteering for the Covering Kids and Families Program, which exposed her to the overwhelming need for affordable healthcare for underserved populations and inspired her to pursue a career in medicine. After spending two years preparing for medical school as a research assistant in a laboratory at the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, she attended the University of Louisville School of Medicine and completed an MD/PhD degree, with a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
CERC’s Partnership on AI-assisted Care

Fellow Clinical Excellence Research Center, Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
While at McKinsey & Company, she worked on transforming large healthcare systems. She then spent 2 years in the world of entrepreneurship, working in health technology.
At Stanford, Samira is working with Professor Arnold Milstein at the intersection of AI and healthcare.

Fellow Clinical Excellence Research Center, Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

Clinical Excellence Research Center Director and Professor of Medicine, Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Former Chief Medical Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health, Former National Health Care Thought Leader, William Mercer, San Francisco, CA (Moderator)
12:30 pm
Networking Luncheon and Presentations
12:45 pm
Lessons for Health Services Research for the Rollout of Value-Based Care

Leonard D. Schaeffer Endowed Chair in Health Economics and Policy; Director, Berkeley Center for Health Technology; Division Head, Health Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management; Dean Emeritus, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
A leading health care scholar, Dr. Shortell and his colleagues have received numerous awards for their research examining the performance of integrated delivery systems; the organizational factors associated with quality and outcomes of care; and the factors associated with the adoption of evidence-based processes for treating patients with chronic illness. He is currently conducting research on patient engagement and the performance of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and on Lean applications in healthcare.

President, National Committee for Quality Assurance, Washington, DC (Commentator/Moderator)
She was elected a member of the Institute of Medicine in 1999 and received the 2009 Picker Institute Individual Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Patient-Centered Care. Modern Healthcare magazine has named O’Kane one of the “100 Most Influential People in Healthcare” eleven times, most recently in 2016, and one of the “Top 25 Women in Healthcare” three times. She received the 2012 Gail L. Warden Leadership Excellence Award from the National Center for Healthcare Leadership.
(Choose one Mini Summit only)
Mini Summit 1: Provider Directory Utility; & Standardizing Commercial ACO Performance Measurement and Benchmarking: a Joint National Initiative from IHA and PBGH
2:00 pm

Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA

Director, California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC); Former Deputy Director, Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board; Former Program Director, Legal Services of Northern California/Health Rights Hotline; Former Chief, Health Policy, California, Public Employees Retirement System, Sacramento, CA
She has also served as chief of health policy at the California Public Employees Retirement System, director of network development for a national preferred provider organization, and legislative advocate working on health and long-term care issues affecting low income seniors and persons with disabilities.
2:30 pm

President and Chief Executive Officer, National Quality Forum (NQF), Associate Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine, The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Former Deputy Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Washington, DC

President and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Business Group on Health (PBGH); Former Founding President, Foundation for Accountability (FACCT), San Francisco, CA

President and Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Healthcare Association, Oakland, CA (Co-Chair/Moderator)
Previously Dr. Rideout served as Senior Medical Advisor for Covered California and was SVP, Chief Medical Officer for The TriZetto Group. Dr. Rideout also served as the global leader of the healthcare division for Cisco He also served as a member of the American Health Information Community’s Chronic Care Workgroup for the US Department of Health and Human Services under the direct leadership of Secretary Michael Leavitt.
Mini Summit 2: How to Align Physicians Incentives in a Value-Based World: Compliance, Trends; & Value-Based Payment Across Business Segments
2:00 pm

Medical Director, Beacon ACO, Vascular and Interventional Radiology, Beacon Medical Group Vascular Interventional Radiology, South Bend, IN
Dr. Duprat is a member of the American College of Radiology, the Society of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, the Radiological Society of North America and the Canadian Interventional Radiology Society.

Director, Value-Based Strategy, Beacon Health System, South Bend, IN
Outside of the workplace, Dan also serves as Treasurer of the Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Board of Directors, is a member of the Young Professionals Network of South Bend, and teaches as an adjunct professor of Accounting and Healthcare Finance at Indiana University South Bend.

Managing Director and Head, Professional Service Agreements Division, VMG Health, Dallas, TX (Moderator)
Mrs. Johnson began her valuation career with KPMG, LLP in their Forensic and litigation Services department in 1998, where she worked directly under experts in the field of finance, accounting and economics. She also worked at the University of North Texas as a finance professor. Prior to that, she worked for several companies in a consulting capacity, and served as a finance professor for the University of North Texas. Her consulting work included business valuation, financial projections, and operational systematizations.
Mrs. Johnson is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association, the Healthcare Financial Management Association and the Chartered Financial Analyst Institute.
2:30 pm

Chief Medical Officer, Government Programs, Health Care Service Corp; Former Vice President and Medical Director, University of Chicago Health System, Chicago, IL
Mini Summit 3: Case Studies in Employer-Driven Value-Based Care: Operational and Policy Implications
2:00 pm

US Healthcare Delivery Systems Manager, Intel Corporation, Portland, OR

Founder and President, Welborn Advisory Services; Board Member, The Leapfrog Group; Former Senior Vice President, Global Benefits, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., San Francisco, CA
Prior to joining Walmart, she was senior vice president, Corporate Benefits for Wells Fargo & Company. Her career includes consulting with large employers in all areas of benefits strategy and health care optimization at HCIA, Inc. and William M. Mercer, Inc. She also worked for Aetna and Union Bank.
Sally currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Leapfrog Group as well as a Board Advisor for the Penn Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics and has served as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the ERISA Industry Committee.

Director, Global Healthcare and Well Being, The Boeing Company; Former Consultant, Watson Wyatt; Former Consultant, Mercer Human Resource Consulting, Seattle, WA

Executive Director for National Health Policy, Pacific Business Group on Health, San Francisco, CA (Moderator)
Mini Summit 4: Pay-for-Performance at Community Behavioral Health; & Treating the Body and Mind: How to Model Care Delivery for Behavioral Health and Integrated Care in an Age of Value-Based Care
2:00 pm

Program Evaluation Coordinator, Community Behavioral Health, Philadelphia, PA

Director, Research and Evaluation, Community Behavioral Health, Philadelphia, PA
2:30 pm

Chief Integration Officer, Partners in Recovery, Chief Executive Officer, Concierge Wellness; Clinical Director, Partners in Recovery; Adjunct Professor, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ

Vice President and Medical Director, Equality Health; Former Chief Medical Officer, Arizona Care Network; Former Medical Director, Dignity Health, Phoenix, AZ

VP of Sales, HealthBI, Scottsdale, AZ
Mini Summit 5: Value-Based Specialty Care—It’s an Evolution—What it Takes to Begin and Move through the Evolution
2:00 pm

Obstetrician/Gyn, Managing Partner, Brunswick Hills Obstetrics and Gynecology, Whitehouse Station, NJ

Assistant Vice President, Product Management, Value Based Payments, McKesson Health Solutions, Denver, CO

President and Chief Operating Officer, Cota, Inc, New York, NY

Director, Episodes of Care, Horizon Healthcare Innovations, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield New Jersey; Member, CMS Advisory Panel on Oncology Bundles; Former Senior Direoctor, Medicare and Retirement, UnitedHealthcare, Newark, NJ (Moderator)
Lili is responsible for the overall direction, strategy, design and oversight of the Horizon Episodes of Care/Bundled Payment Program. When Lili joined Horizon in January of 2013, the Episodes program was still in pilot and included only total hip and total knee replacement episodes. The program has grown to include additional orthopaedic episodes, obstetrics and gynecology, GI, cardiology, and oncology.
Lili is a passionate advocate of Episodes of Care/Bundled Payments as a strategy to successfully migrate from fee for service to quality- & value-based models that reward providers for excellent outcomes and patient experience, while reducing the overall cost of healthcare.
Mini Summit 6: Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) Identification Tools & Diagnostic Coding: Monitoring & Evaluating Health Outcomes in Value-Based Care
2:00 pm

Family Physician & Senior Fellow, Asian Health Services, Oakland, CA
Dr. Chen has served on several Boards, including, the California Endowment, the Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum, the California Conference of Local Health Officers, and the Task Force on Culturally and Linguistically Competent Physicians and Dentists for the CA Dept of Consumer Affairs.

Managing Director, Social Interventions Research & Evaluations Network, UCSF, San Francisco, CA

Director of Community Health and Research, Asian Health Services, Oakland, CA

Director of Analytics, Applied Research Works, Inc., Palo Alto, CA
3:00 pm
Transition Break
(Choose one Mini Summit only)
Mini Summit 7: Advanced Strategies in Negotiating Capitation Contracts
3:15 pm

Consultant; Former Chief Executive Officer, Providence Health Network, Southern California; Former Chief Executive Officer, Facey Medical Foundation, Los Angeles, CA
Bill is the former CEO of Facey Medical Foundation, a nonprofit medical foundation that manages Facey Medical Group, a 200-physician medical group. Providence and Facey formed an affiliation in 2012.
Bill is focused on growing both physician foundations while enhancing a commitment to clinical excellence through shared records and expert-to-expert collaboration. Bill also teaches at the University of Southern California (USC), in the Master’s Program.

Principal, Consulting Actuary, Milliman, San Diego, CA

Vice President, Business Development, America’s Physician Groups; Former Regional Medical Director, Blue Shield California; Former Medical Director, Nautilus Healthcare Management, Los Angeles, CA
Just prior to her current CAPG role, Dr. Tsay worked at Blue Shield of California as their Regional Medical Director. She worked directly with physician organizations and hospitals to improve their utilization and quality performance. She was also a physician lead for their Narcotic Safety Initiative.
Mini Summit 8: Multi-Purchaser Collaboration to Advance Value-Based Health Care
3:15 pm

Medical Director, Arkansas Medicaid, Professor of Internal Med and Public Health, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
A past Chair the Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians, Dr. Golden served on the Board of Directors of the National Quality Forum and was President of the American Health Quality Association. He was on the executive committee of the Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement and chaired numerous performance measure development committees.

Director, System and Payment Reform, Maine Health Management Coalition, Former Executive Director, Employee Health & Benefits, State of Maine, Augusta, ME

Chief Medical Officer, Covered California, the California Health Benefits Exchange, Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, UCSF, Sacramento, CA

Senior Consultant, Bailit Health Purchasing, Boston, MA (Moderator)
Megan has performed both applied work and research in payment reform, including supporting the creation of a multi–payer–supported statewide ACO in Vermont, facilitating a stakeholder engagement and quality measurement selection process for a comprehensive payment reform project in New York and co–facilitating a multi–payer, multi–provider bundled payment pilot in Pennsylvania. She has supported behavioral health integration efforts through creating a primary care practice toolkit and training, and by facilitating a work group focused on behavioral health integration for a multi–payer home initiative in Massachusetts. Megan has also co–facilitated the Massachusetts Task Force on Behavioral Health Integration (2013) and the Massachusetts Task Force on Behavioral Health Data Policies and Long Term Stays (2015).
Mini Summit 9: Making the Business Case for Value-Based Care: Real-World Provider Case Studies Show Evidence that Focusing on Value is a better Business Model than Maximizing Volume
3:15 pm

Medical Director, Emergency Department Development Team, Intensive Medicine Clinical Program, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, UT
He formerly served as the Director of Research for the Department of Emergency Medicine and the Division of Trauma at Intermountain Medical Center. He currently serves as the emergency medicine lead for the development and implementation of Intermountain Healthcare’s next generation electronic health record in partnership with the Cerner Corporation.
Previously, Dr. Allen was the director of research for the Department of Emergency Medicine at LDS Hospital. Dr. Allen assisted in founding the University of Utah Affiliated Residency in Emergency Medicine and served as its first assistant director.

Chief Medical Officer, New West Physicians; Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine and University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, Golden, CO

Specialty Medical Director, Hill Physicians Medical Group, San Ramone, CA

Chief Research Officer, Leavitt Partners, LLC, Salt Lake City, UT (Moderator)
David also serves as Adjunct Assistant Professor of The Dartmouth Institute (TDI) at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College and is a visiting fellow at the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative. In both of these roles he conducts research to translate learnings of high-performing organizations for the benefit of the broader health care system.
Mini Summit 10: Advanced Strategies in Managing Benefits and Care Coordination
3:15 pm

Clinical Variation Lead, Agathos; Principal Consultant, Variation Consulting Group, LLC, Coquille, OR

Vice President, WE Region Head, President, California Market, Aetna, Former Chief Integration Office and President, California Market, agilon health, Former Senior Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Innovation, Blue Shield of California, Los Angeles, CA
Kristen also served as Senior Vice President of Strategic Partnerships and Innovation for Blue Shield of California. Prior to joining Blue Shield, Kristen held leadership positions with Health Net and CIGNA in Provider Contracting and Provider Services. Her experience on the provider side includes the position of Executive Director for a large integrated physician/hospital organization in Northern California. As a consultant, Kristen has worked with several healthcare foundations and physician organizations on issues of access.
Kristen sits on the board of directors for both Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) and Operation Access.

President, Medical Management Services, Inc.; Former Chief Operating Officer, California Pacific Medical Center Physicians Foundation; Former Chief Operating Officer, Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation; Former Interim Executive Director, Alta Bates Medical Group, San Francisco, CA (Moderator)
Walter is a board member for the Center for Healthcare Management an international health policy think tank. Walter has served on various boards of Directors, including; Operation Access, National IPA Coalition, Marin Community Clinic, and the Bay Pacific Health Plan.
Mini Summit 11: Payer Maturation of Payment Bundle Programs & Improving Quality and Reducing Costs through Optimized Post-Acute Care
3:15 pm

Vice President, Product Management, Cognizant, Watkinsville, GA
4:15 pm
Transition Break
(Choose one Mini Summit only)
Mini Summit 12: Advanced Strategies in MACRA APM Development
4:30 pm

Healthcare Consultant, Milliman, Former Senior Technical Advisor and Program Lead, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, New York, NY
Prior to joining Milliman, Pamela served as a senior technical advisor at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). She was responsible for developing and implementing novel payment methodologies to transform healthcare delivery and payment nationwide. Pamela played a key role in designing the national Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative, with thousands of participants nationally. Previously, Pamela worked at an academic medical center, building consensus for redesigning care delivery among diverse stakeholders including physicians, administrators, and patient advocates.

Vice President, Public Payor Health Strategy, Care Coordination Institute, Greenville Health System; Former Group Director of Patient Care Model Group and BPCI Lead, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Greenville, SC
She previously worked as a member of the leadership team (Senior Advisor and Group Director) at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Innovation (CMMI). Ms. Rutledge also served as the Chief Executive Officer of CaroMont Health in Gastonia, North Carolina
Ms. Rutledge received the 2013 Becker’s Healthcare Leadership Award, which is given to the top 30 individuals in the nation who demonstrate leadership and impact to the industry on a national level. She currently serves on several National Scientific Advisory Boards including NaviHealth and as a Subject Matter Expert for SG2.
Mini Summit 13: Advanced Strategies in Medicare Advantage/Part D Star Ratings
4:30 pm

Founder and Executive Chairman, Gorman Health Group; Former Assistant to the Director, Office of Managed Care, HCFA, Washington, DC
Prior to founding the firm in 1996, John served as Assistant to the Director of Health Care Financing Administration’s Office of Managed Care, where he provided day-to-day management and served as the external liaison for the Medicare and Medicaid managed care programs. During the 1993 debate on national healthcare reform, John was chief lobbyist on healthcare financing issues for the National Association of Community Health Centers, an organization of federally-funded primary care clinics for the medically underserved. John’s career in Washington began as Press Secretary and Staff Director for U.S. Representative John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), then-Chairman of the Government Operations Committee.
Mini Summit 14: Case Study in Successful Value-Based Transformation: CareMore Health System; & Developing High Performing Networks by Reducing the Delivery of Low-Value Care
4:30 pm

Vice President, Clinical Operations, CareMore Health System; Former Vice President, Medicare Accountable Care, Steward Health Care System; Former Director, Health Care Data Policy and Strategy, Massachusetts Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, Los Angeles, CA
5:00 pm

Executive Vice President, Business Development, RowdMap, Louisville, KY
Mini Summit 15: Primary Care Strategies for Success in a Value-Based Payment Environment
4:30 pm

President and Chief Executive Offcier, San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium, Former Associate Vice President, Market Leader, Molina Healthcare, San Diego, CA
Previously, she served as Executive Vice President of Integrated Health Partners of Southern California (IHP), a clinically integrated network of 11 FQHCs in the San Diego area. Ms. Matovsky brought together CMOs, CFOs, CIOs, COOs and CEOs to develop a shared vision and road map for the integrated entity, implemented a shared patient satisfaction survey, access audit, and shared clinical protocols.
Prior to her work with IHP, Ms. Matovsky was the Associate Vice President, Market Leader for Molina Healthcare and managed the second largest Medi-Cal health plan in San Diego. Previous roles also include: Administrator, Care1st Health Plan, San Diego Office and Director of Contracting, Council of Community Clinics.

Chief Medical Officer, North East Medical Services, San Francisco, CA

Assistant Director, Policy, California Primary Care Association; Former Director, Program Services, National Rural Health Association, Sacramento, CA (Moderator)
Mini Summit 16: Financial Modeling of Value-Based Payment Arrangements
4:30 pm

Manager, ECG Management Consultants, Dallas, TX

Principal, ECG Management Consultants; Former Vice President, Managed Care, Catholic Healthcare West (Now Dignity Health); Former President, St. Mary’s Medical Center, San Francisco, CA (Moderator)
5:30 pm
Adjournment and Networking Reception